
 To customize your panel, open the Configure Panel dialog box by (1) Right-clicking on the panel, (2) Click Configure Panel from the menu. This will bring up a new dialog window called Configure - KDE Panel.


To change the position of the panel :

Click on the button for putting the panel on any side of your display.



                                              Image 1 : Panel positioning button


To change size and length of the panel, use Length and Size controls to set up the size & length of the panel.


                              Image 2 : Length and Size Button (Red circle)



Panel Hiding

Notes : "[ ]" indicates a selection in a drop down box, "|" indicates a new selection. Example : In a drop-down box there are some selection : Open, Close, Hide. In this page, it is written as [Open | Close | Hide]


In KDE Panel Configuration, there are some selections :

(a) Settings for : [Panel | Panel 2]

Panel customization selection (Which panel will be customized?) This drop-down will show if you have 2 panels or more.


(b) Hide Mode

      (b1) Only hide when a panel-hiding button is clicked : Only hides the panel when a panel-hiding button (a small blue button with ">" symbol        in the right of your panel).

      (b2) Hide Automatically :

              > [X sec/min] after cursor leaves the panel -> If you leave the pointer from the panel (eg. you moved the pointer to an application, desktop or another panel) in X sec/min, the panel will hide automaticallu.

              > [ ] Show panel when switching desktops -> If you switch the desktop using a keyboard shortcut such as Ctrl + Tab, the panel will show again. "[X sec/min] after cursor..." options also works if you activate this option.

       (b3) [ ] Allow other windows to cover the panel -> Were you playing Half-Life or another full-screen games in Window$? If this option enabled, an application will opened in full screen so the application covers (or "sits") above the panel.


(c) Panel-Hiding Buttons

You can select 1 of the 2 selection or both. This options asks you where the panel hiding button will show.


(d) Panel Animations : Animate Panel Hiding

If you want the panel hiding animates (slow... slow... faster... fast.... medium... slow again when closed), you can enable this option.If this oprion enabled, (e) will show.


(e) Animate Panel Hiding speed

Sets the panel hiding speed. Click [Apply], and click the panel hiding button to try. If you don't like, just press Cancel.


Image 3 : Panel-Hiding tab on Configure - KDE Panel